what people say

What business leaders across the industry say about Nigel Bagley ‘s experience and expertise.

“More and more companies see the need to embrace cleaner and more equitable business models, but many struggle with the “how”. Nigel has helped numerous brand and market teams turn their sustainability ambitions into business success, growing both value and impact and ensuring the two support one and other”

Paul Polman

Business leader, campaigner and former CEO, Unilever

“Nigel rapidly builds trust and respect both with senior leaders and with operators. Senior leaders see that he understands the ‘big picture’ and that he brings perspective and strategic solutions. Operators recognise that he knows how to get things done, understanding the challenges and the business dynamics.”

Claudio Colzani,

CEO, Barilla

“It is always an immensely enjoyable experience working with Nigel. As well as bringing a wealth of knowledge and business acumen to the table, he also injects a strong dose of fun into all that he does. Rather than a distraction, this becomes another tool he uses to drive engagement and, of course, outcomes.”

Willem Brandt

President , KraftHeinz Europe

“One of the many strengths that Nigel brings to the table is his ability to take concepts and ideas that at first seem tangential to the core business, and bring them into a solid, commercial framing, rooted in the immediate business challenges. This ensures that the outcomes of his programmes are both executable and immediately business accretive. The legacy he left at Unilever speaks for itself.”

Pier Luigi Sigismondi

President, Dole Packaged Goods

“Recently Nigel ran a programme for me with a diverse set of SMEs. What stood out what his ability to rapidly understand the various business dynamics and to bring his wealth of knowledge and experience to play to help bring forward solutions absolutely relevant to each business.”

James Simmons

Managing Partner, Wordsworth Holding Company

“Nigel has great insights into how to bring sustainability to life through brand activations.  The programmes bring tangible impact on the ground while unlocking growth in the business.”

Rebecca Marmot

Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever

“Whenever Nigel has worked with one of my teams, we not only see tangible outcomes from the programme, but we also see a general uplift across that business unit. I put that down to the contagious energy and enthusiasm that he triggers with the teams, bringing excitement and innovative thinking back into the business.”

Fulvio Guarneri

EVP Personal Care, Unilever

“Business strategy and tactics are too often driven by emotional or instinctive decisions. Bringing intelligent thinking into the process moves these outcomes from being reactive to being proactive. Nigel comes with the intellectual rigour to deliver this whilst still maintaining the speed and agility that business needs.”

Gerald Kühr

CEO , Partners in Pet Food


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